Episode 47 - Lisa Mitchelson and the Transformation of           El Camino

Episode 47 - Lisa Mitchelson and the Transformation of El Camino

El Camino is a great 500 mile walk to experience peace and enjoy self-reflection. And along with that comes a journey of laughter, community, and self-discovery! Lisa Mitchelson began the Camino for the first reason - self-reflection - and ended up experiencing an abundance of the latter and the transformation that it brought her. Lisa lives in Kent, England and is a South African native. She works for an art foundation specializing in African art. In this episode, hear about her experiences with people along the Camino, and what this trip meant for her in this new phase of her life.

Special thanks to the Freedom Now! Travel Team: Host and Producer: Antonio Goodwin; Researcher: Catrina Murphy; Writer: Nyla Guilford



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