Episode 25 - My Life is a Vacation - Tracy Lamourie - Celebrity Publicist

Episode 25 - My Life is a Vacation - Tracy Lamourie - Celebrity Publicist

From fighting to get an innocent man out of prison to VIP Parties -- it all starts with a computer and a location of your choosing. This is the life of globally-renowned, award-winning publicist and founder of Lamourie Media Incorporated: Tracy Lamourie.

In this episode, we hear about how Lamourie’s path led her from a life as a young activist with a radio show to a traveler who spends her days amplifying the voices of others. We also learn how Lamourie's role in the 20-year campaign to free a wrongly incarcerated man from death row fueled her belief in her abilities regardless of qualification. Also, we discover how she broke through COVID travel restraints by letting her voice do the traveling. Tracy Lamourie lives a fulfilled life by taking on projects that resonate with her and putting herself out there in the world through travel, truly making her an example of having a life that is a vacation.

Special thanks to the Freedom Now! Travel team:

Host: Antonio Goodwin

Producer: Jonathan Murphy

Researcher: Catrina Murphy

Writer: Nyla Guilford



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