Episode 36 - Colonel (Reserves)/Superintendent - Burnie Roper

Episode 36 - Colonel (Reserves)/Superintendent - Burnie Roper

Although travel can involve "the unknown," our guest knows the benefit of educating yourself on culture. Burnie Roper served in the military for 35 years and is now the Superintendent of the Lackland Independent School District. In this episode he talks about his military days, learning to observe

Episode 35 - Army Travel - Corita Cooper

Episode 35 - Army Travel - Corita Cooper

The air force was robbed! In this episode army veteran and travel agent Corita Cooper tells us how her career took her out of Jackson, Mississippi, and into the world of travel. While it started with a short flight to South Carolina, her career led her to places like Germany,

Episode 34 - NGO Work Travel - Matthew Lakenbach

Episode 34 - NGO Work Travel - Matthew Lakenbach

Tales of travel from a man attempting to bring peace to the Middle East. This episode’s guest is citizen diplomat Matthew Lakenbach; founder of the Middle East Peace Civic Forum and host of his own podcast Peace Tribe Rising. Listen as he talks about using the arts to create



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