Episode 49 - Antonio, podcast Host (El Camino: the after party)

Episode 49 - Antonio, podcast Host (El Camino: the after party)

The impact of walking 500 miles, especially El Camino de Santiago de Compostela,  is life-changing. How do I bring what I experienced while walking El Camino into my everyday life experience? After listening to fellow pilgrims' stories and lessons about their experience while walking the Camino, in this episode

Episode 47 - Lisa Mitchelson and the Transformation of           El Camino

Episode 47 - Lisa Mitchelson and the Transformation of El Camino

El Camino is a great 500 mile walk to experience peace and enjoy self-reflection. And along with that comes a journey of laughter, community, and self-discovery! Lisa Mitchelson began the Camino for the first reason - self-reflection - and ended up experiencing an abundance of the latter and the transformation



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